Tuesday, August 12, 2008

D's Un-farewell talk 7-20-08 Lexi's Blessing

The day seemed so far away right after D opened his mission call is here! He spoke so amazingly and had a powerful message about tithes and offerings. We are so proud of him. We are grateful for all the support we recieved from our familes and feel like he will work hard and be an amazing missionary for the Lord.


BradandBecca said...

What a precious picture. We loved D's first email-thanks for forwarding it. We thought it was a good email and are looking forward to many many others. By the way we loved all the comments on our blog asking us when we're coming back to Utah. The answer to that is still unknown...ideally we'd like to spend a week in CA and and a week in Utah but we just have to figure out how...we'll keep you posted.

BradandBecca said...


MomnDadR said...

Thanks! Love you too!